Sunset Cruises

Peerless II Project

Peerless II was built in Bronte Ontario in 1946 at the Northern Shipbuilding yard. It was built to enlarge the marine delivery fleet of the British American oil company. In the early 1900’s Imperial Oil Co. operated a small gasoline tanker on the Muskoka lakes. The B/A Oil Company, looking to get a foothold on the Muskoka lakes gasoline business, engaged a local businessman Mr. Bert Brown to operate the first Peerless, the former wooden private yacht known as the Ina. Gasoline was sold from 45 gallon drums manually pumped to the customer’s facilities. Business had increased so much that in 1945 the order was placed with Northern Shipbuilding for the Peerless II. This gasoline tanker was built entirely from steel and was able to carry nearly 8000 gals. When the Peerless II was delivered in Late July of 1946, it joined its smaller sister ship the wooden Peerless and for a while both boats operated on all three Muskoka lakes making deliveries of gasoline and home heating oil. By 1948 the modern Peerless II was handling all the business and the smaller wooden Peerless was sold and delivered to Temagamie. The Peerless II operated season after season and with many different captains as well as owners. It continued to sell B/A products till the Gulf Canada acquisition in the 1960’s. The familiar colours of red and green and white gave way to the Gulf colours of blue and orange and white. In the early 1980’s Gulf Canada ceased to be and the Peerless II continued selling gasoline and heating oil from independent suppliers. In 1994 at the end of its 49th season, the Peerless II stopped delivering gas and oil products and was taken out of service. Sold to become a private vessel for some years it was up for sale in 2003.

Sunset Cruises purchased the Peerless II in Sept 2003

Our goal in restoring Peerless II is to allow locals and visitors alike the opportunity to cruise aboard this historic old boat. Many people recall seeing the Peerless II on its daily rounds delivering gasoline. While we will not be delivering gasoline or heating oil, we will be offering people the chance to cruise aboard the last supply boat to operate on the Muskoka Lakes. It made its living by coming and going to every corner of the lakes. It is history that you can enjoy by cruising on her.

Owned by Sunset Cruises and operated by Captain Randy Potts and crew.

Last year of active service.
2004 Dry docking.

Birds-eye view of widened hull.

Dec 9 2008 another sunny day in Muskoka.

The start of 2008 dry dock inspection.

Dec. 2008 dry dock completion…..lift in.

Awaitng 2004 drydocking.